Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Former Dominican priest Kevin Sheridan RIP

Former Irish Dominican Kevin Nicholas Sheridan died on Thursday, June 28 in the Blackrock Hospice.

He was born in Galway in 1935 and joined the Irish Dominicans in 1953, ordained a priest in 1959.

After ordination he spent some time at Newbridge College before moving to Trinidad in 1961, where he taught English and Religious Education at Holy Cross College in Arima.

He served as priest-in-charge at Pointe-a-Pierre.

He left the Dominicans, retired from priesthood and married Susan Ryan. Susan is the sister of the late Innocent Ryan, who had also been a Dominican priest.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan TD is a nephew of  Susan and the late Innocent Ryan.

Like his mother, who played the organ in Salthill Church, Kevin played the organ in his student days at the Dominican Priory in Tallaght, where he was also known for his football skills.

A Dominican friend said of Kevin: “He was a most generous host, a lively preacher and always in good form. His good mood seldom if ever dipped.”

He is survived by his wife Susan and two children Sarah and Damian.

May he rest in peace.

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