Sunday, January 20, 2019

In tandem

All these three accounts have a common theme through them.

Yesterday staff at St Luke's Hospital in Rathgar went of their first walking club adventure.

Walkers set off from Bray at 10.00 and headed at a leisurely pace along the seafront to Greystones. Directly below was the railway line, which is the track to Wexford and on to Rosslare Europort. From Bray it is a single track.

To Greystones one hour forty minutes and one hour 20 minutes back to Bray.

A lovely walk and great camraderie.

This week is set aside as a period of Prayer for Christian unity.

It seems as if it has lost much of its vitality and the enthusiasm for unity has dimmed.

A pity.

In today's Gospel is an account of the wedding feast and how Jesus helps in making it all a joyful occasion.

Kindness among peoples, a sense of camaraderie means so much.

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