Sunday, January 6, 2019

'Clerical and lay'

This surely has to be an extraordinary death notice.

 It must be a caricature of itself.

Note how clerical and lay are spelt, upper case c, lower case l. 

Funny, if it were not so tragic and real.

And it says so much about where the Irish Catholic Church is right now and where it is heading.

The death notice as it appeard in and Irish newspapers:

Greenan O.P, Fr Lambert (Larry) (Ireland, Rome and Alabama), who died 29th November 2018 in his 102nd year in Birmingham, Alabama, where his Funeral Mass and Burial took place on 5th December 2018; mourned by his sister-in-law Jean, nieces, nephews and their families, relatives, Dominican confreres, Sister Servants of the Eternal Word (Birmingham, Al) and a wide circle of friends both Clerical and lay.

May he rest in peace.

A Memorial Mass will be celebrated in St. Saviour’s Dominican Church, Dominick Street, Dublin 1 on Sunday coming, 6th January at 11:30am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But so appropriate for such a superior being

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