Saturday, August 25, 2018

The monsignor's 'body therapy'

French priest Monsignor Tony Anatrella has been accused of 'body therapy' in order to 'heal' homosexuality and having been involved in sexual abuse for more than 15 years.

Paris archbishop Michel Aupetit has said that Anatrella is no longer permitted to minister as a priest. Nor is he to carry out ' therapeutic activity'

Could one make it up?

What is it about priesthood and closet homosexuality?


Fergus said...

Most of what has been said about that individual was discussed openly when I was studying for the priesthood in France in 2005. The instruction of 2005 from Pope Benedict had just been made public and said Monsignor was commenting upon it, having been an adviser on the matter. As a result, the document's directive was entirely dismissed as nonsense in many conversations.

Michael Commane said...

An error occurred in the writing of the post above.

What appeared was: 'French priest Monsignor Tony Anatrella has been accused of 'body therapy' in order to 'heal' sexuality and having been involved in sexual abuse for more than 15 years.'

It should have read: 'French priest Monsignor Tony Anatrella has been accused of 'body therapy' in order to 'heal' homosexuality and having been involved in sexual abuse for more than 15 years.'

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