Sunday, December 24, 2017

Pope Francis on faith

Pope Francis speaking to the Roman Curia last week.

"Christmas reminds us that a faith that does not trouble us is a troubled faith. 

A faith that does not make us grow is a faith that needs to grow. A faith that does not raise questions is a faith that has to be questioned. 

A faith that does not rouse us is a faith that needs to be roused. A faith that does not shake us is a faith that needs to be shaken. Indeed, a faith which is only intellectual or lukewarm is only a notion of faith. 

It can become real once it touches our heart, our soul, our spirit and our whole being, once it allows God to be born and reborn in the manger of our heart, once we let the star of Bethlehem guide us to the place where the Son of God lies, not among kings and riches, but among the poor and humble."

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