Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Barack Hussein Obama

President Barack Obama talks to England's Prince Harry.

It's a great interview and not to be missed.

The man inspires.

Close to the end of the interview Harry asks him a silly/vulgar question, which President Obama refuses to answer.

The interview, which was prerecorded earlier, was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 this morning


Póló said...

Agreed, excellent.

I'd send the sound man back to sound school and have a word with the director, though.

Happy New Year.

Michael Commane said...

But not the fault of BBC.
The link was not from a BBC website.
Delighted you enjoyed it.
Another interesting link may appear on this blog tomorrow.

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Oscar Wilde on how men are jokers

"The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgets that she took him. ” - Oscar `Wilde