Friday, February 17, 2017

The right-wing in state and church seem crazy and nasty

Last evening on Russian Television it was said that the US was experiencing its own Perestroika.

Ukip leader Paul Nuttall admits he lied about being at the Hillsborough disaster. And guess what, Mr Nuttall is a Catholic

President Trump held a press conference yestereday, which would have to be seen to be believed.

Hugh Muir in today's 'Guardian' writes:

'The right is acting like a crime syndicate intent on protecting territory and silencing witnesses.

Here's the link to the article, which is a great read.

Is it not abundantly clear that the right-wing, in both state and church, is both nasty and/or crazy? Indeed, it could be argued that the church was ahead of the posse in this one.

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