Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pot calls kettle black

The current issue of the freesheet 'Alive!' carries an article on how the EU wastes money with no one knowing where the money is going.

Is that not a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

The money the church wastes, the money religious congregations waste.

Does anyone know anything about the finances of 'Alive!? Does anyone know anything about the finances of the church and religious congregations and how they waste money?

What tax does the freesheet 'Alive!' pay to Revenue? It runs an ad on page five looking for contributions. Is tax paid on this money?

Reading the May issue of the freesheet 'Alive! is a horrible experience and it is difficult to understand how church authorities stand over the freesheet? Or is it that this is the real colour of the Catholic Church?

The crass bigotry of the editorial, the freesheet's denuncation of Irish Catholics are just some of the articles in store for the reader this month.

How it insults individuals and organisations is shocking.

The President of Ireland is referred to as Michael Higgins, also as Higgins.

The Catholic diocese of Limerick published a card-sized promo on the 'Year of Mercy'. On the front there is a quote from Pope Francis:

"No one can be excluded from God's mercy'.

1 comment:

Póló said...

I warned you about reading this rag.

It can become addictive and infect you with incurable righteous indignation.

Brian McKevitt OP is a fundamentalist and it appears he is not being put in his place and is allowed to undermine the progressive face of the church and his own order (such as they are).

Why is this? I suspect that both his superiors and the hierarchy in general are fearful of inciting a conflict which might bring them to the attention of the CDF or at least affect their career prospects.

Who wants to be at the receiving end of the Kafkaesque treatment meted out to Tony Flannery et al.?

ALIVE is an abomination in the sight of the Lord. Time for the Holy Spirit to issue a press release to that effect.

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