Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris, Beirut, Syria

God help the people of Paris.

On Thursday afternoon 30 people were killed in Beirut.

How many have been murdered in Syria on Thursday and Friday?

The Paris murders may well be a breeding ground for the far right and win them votes in the upcoming local elections in France.

The late Helmut Schmidt, who died on Tuesday, blamed clerics - Catholic, Protestant and Islamic for the intolerance he identified between Christianity and Islam.

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts [former secretary of stat in the Reagan administration] wrote the following in his article from today:

"Within one hour of the Paris attacks and without any evidence, the story was set in stone that the perpetrator was ISIL. This is the way propagada works"

"The threat to the European political establishment is not ISIL. The threats are the rising anti-EU, anti-immigrant political parties: Pegida in Germany, the UK Independence Party, and the National Front in France. The latest poll shows the National Front’s Marine Le Pen leading as the likely French president."

"With the Paris terror attacks, what was impossible became possible, and the President of France immediately announced the closing of France’s borders. The border closings will spread. The main issue of the rising dissident political parties will be defused. The EU will be safe, and so will Washington’s sovereignty over Europe.

Whether or not the Paris attacks were a false flag operation for the purpose of obtaining these results, these results are the consequences of the attacks. These results serve the interests of the European political establishment and Washington."

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