Sunday, November 15, 2015

Papal nuncio speaks on Catholic 'ethos' in schools

At a conference last week on Catholic education at Cistercian College, Roscrea the papal nuncio Charles Brown is reported to have said:

We should avoid a situation where students are unable to go to schools they want to go to, or are forced to go to schools they don't want to. We need to provide - as much as possible - a legitimate chioce.

Is the papal nunico, as an ambassador, not interfering in the internal affairs of the host State?

The papal nuncio is also reported to have said:

Schools have to be concerned about their Catholic character, and recognise that without a conscious effort to maintain their distinctly Catholic ethos, that ethos can dissolve to non-descript and vague spiritualism - or even disappear entirely.

What exactly is a Catholic ethos?

It would be interesting to know if former papal nuncios to Ireland ever said anything about the brutality that was part of life in Catholic-run schools up to the early 1980s when the State made corporal punishment illegal in school.

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