Monday, November 9, 2015


Today twenty six years ago the Berlin Wall was breached.

Earlier in the day at a press conference, Politburo member Günter Schabowski read from a slip of paper saying that people had permission to travel to the West. He looked at the piece of paper and said that now famous word sofort, immediately.

The people arrived at the Bornholmer Straße crossing, the crowds increased and up came the barrier.

Schabowski died last Monday in Berlin.

Novermber 9 also has sinister memories. On November 9, 1938 the Nazis carried out their pogrom on the Jewish community across Germany. Berlin was the epicentre of the violence.

Because of the memories of November 9, 1938 Germany was never in a position to make this day German Unification Day.


Andreas said...

This text is taken from an article in 'Die Welt' and mainly translated by google.

The belated revenge of the GDR on Angela Merkel

"On the occasion of the Tenth Congress of the SED in November 1981, the leadership of the Party commissioned ten posters by which the role of the SED in building socialism in the first German workers 'and peasants' state should be adequately appreciated."

One poster shows a farmer's wife saying 'We can make it!'

Right now "...Millions of people ask themselves every day: what does the Chancellor, what is she up to, how does her plan look like she announced against Anne Will on TV? Astonished, we take note that in a country with 16 provincial governments, 16 state parliaments, 16 prime ministers, with parliament, a Federal, a federal president and thousands of civil servants depend alone on what the Chancellor wants."

"She determines not only the guidelines of the policy, she can also open or close with a word or a stroke borders, set aside laws and wipe all doubts about the wisdom of her authoritarian decisions from the table with: "We can do it!" Angela Merkel rules in the style of a feudal lord, including the threat to say adieu, if the people refused their allegiance. To be so abusive hasn't dared any Chancellor of the Federal Republic yet."

"The poster for the Tenth Congress of the SED reminds us that the Chancellor was socialized in the GDR, in a system with a disturbed relationship to reality from the first until the last day of its existence."

Now it seems, that they "...face the same hardship as once the brothers and sisters in the East. The GDR is imploded by emigration; the BRD is threatened to collapse under the burden of immigration. Then as now, was and is the opening of borders the cause of the calamity. The German fate seems to suffer from repetition compulsion. Unless one sees in the duplicity of events an act of commutative justice, brought about by a chancellor from the East.

Michael Commane said...

It makes for interesting reading. Thank you.

Andreas said...

I'm really amazed how federal law is violated by Angela & CO!

I translated here some statements from an expert:

"If you look at the decisions made on the refugees in detail, then you see that significant violations of the law have been commited by the federal government.
It has disregarded the Dublin treaty, it has also disregarded the Schengen agreement.
The law on asylum procedures has been partly suspended...
The Asylum law is a law which should be aplied individually - every person needs to prove that they are politically persecuted in their home country...
According to article 16a of the constitution nobody coming from a safe third state has the right to asylum. The refugees are all coming from safe third states, Austria, Croatia, Hungary and so on; Italy, Greece.
...the asylum law outlines further that the federal police have to maintain the efficacy of the borders - that didn't happen. The Dublin treaty says the same as article 16a: No rights for asylum seekers coming from a safe third state, this was violated.
In addition the Schengen agreement was violated in that we literally invited people, which led to the violation of the mutual borders defined by Schengen.
'Summa sumarum', the statutory violations are obvious!"

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