Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cardinal Levada arrested for drink driving in Hawaii

Gerard Moloney is a Redemptorist priest. His blog address is

How do all these men know so much about God?  No doubt Levada would be welcome with open arms into every Irish diocese. Mother Orthodoxy. It's at least funny.

The piece below is from Gerry's blog. It speaks for itself.

Gerry Moloney
I never met the man, nor did I ever have any direct communication with him, but still he, or the office he once held, have had a direct impact on my life.

His name is Cardinal William Levada, and he is former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, known to churchy people as the CDF. This powerful Vatican office is responsible for guarding church doctrine. The now 79-year-old Cardinal retired from this office in July 2012.
Just over a year before his retirement, Cardinal Levada entered my life. I was informed one May afternoon that the CDF was not happy with the way I was editing Reality magazine, and wanted me either to be removed or to function as editor under certain restrictions imposed by them.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was surprised that people in the Vatican would be so interested in a small magazine on a small island that they would have gone to the trouble of compiling a dossier of material on its contents. 

I was surprised, too, that they would think I was disloyal or was trying to damage the church to which I had committed my entire life.I continued to edit the magazine after agreeing to submit the contents of each issue to a censor for prior approval.
On the surface, I thought I was handling the situation well. But deep down I was not. 
My hurt grew worse with the passage of time. I felt that what happened to me and to other Irish priests reflected all that was wrong with the church – clerical, hierarchical, bullying, obsessed with secrecy, afraid of debate. It was extraordinary also, and shameful, that the officials involved never dealt directly with the particular ‘heretic’ in question but only with his superiors. And so I never met Cardinal Levada or any of his subordinates.
Last Saturday the unfortunate Cardinal was arrested for drunken driving while on holiday in Hawaii and is due to appear in court next month. The man may be almost as old as my father but it’s hard to have sympathy today for those who drink and drive. 
Cardinal Levada was one of the so-called ‘culture warriors’ – conservative church leaders determined to fight what they saw as permissive trends in modern culture as well as any dissent within the church.
 It may be simply that he didn’t think he was over the limit when he got behind the wheel of his car last Saturday. Or that the journey was short and he thought it would be okay. In any event, he has admitted to an error in judgement, which suggests he knew he had some alcohol in his system. 
Sadly, it would seem that, despite the many campaigns that have been conducted in recent decades warning against drinking and driving, a lot of people of every rank and status, even culture warriors, still haven’t got the message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember Lavada was quoted in a report just prior to retiring "that he was just clearing off his desk" of outstanding issues; when he was asked why he had "stood down" ( my words) so many (approx 8) Irish priests in one sweep.

If I remember correctly; most or all of the priests, were directly or indirectly "connected with the media" i.e. through an order magazine; local radio or writers. All low-key; who innocently wondered out loud, about pertinent issues, including female priests being the answer to future clerical shortages, being forecast at the time. All good men and highly respected as priests. The bullying tactic from the Vatican was common to all. To my knowledge I am not aware that any of the priests have been returned to their original status,

Justice appears to be done somehow , in a perverse way. In Biblical terms; "he that exalted himself; shall be humbled". He destroyed the lives of of a group of committed Irish priests. He also initiated the investigation of the U.S. Leadership Conference of Women Religious representing 80% of nuns and that lasted for three years until Pope Francis blew out the candles on it. Of course Levada was in concert with his other two American colleagues Law & Burke , who complained about the nuns having feminist tendencies. What a trio .

To be honest, I love that his "mug shot" has gained international circulation and is now in the mix of photographic galleries, which show him in full Cardinal's dress & vestements. After all his pomp and ceremony at the Vatican, his arrest for DUI will be his most remembered moment. That should occupy his mind for along time to come. I note his pompous remark; that "he intends to cooperate fully with the police", as if he had any choice.

The sad thing is, here is a "Prince of the Church"; arrested on the spot and given a court date for four weeks time for DUI. When you think that prelates who enabled and covered-up for paedophile abusers for decades, none have appeared out of hundreds, with the exception of one or two.

Why are all these American cardinals and bishops so "Arch-Orthodrox" and so far right wing. Perhaps "bullies" would be a more correct way of putting it and all with an evident desire to return to pre-Vatican II days. I'm afraid their days of power are slowly coming to an end. People are silently deciding for themselves, in taking away their authority over them. I think we are witnessing an end to an era, a long era at that.

However; lets see how his court appearance turns out. Remember the U.S hierarchy will have the most expensive and best lawyers in the land to defend him. The quality of the summons paper will be examined under a microscope; the ink be also be analysed to see that it complies with the highest standards of justice. God help the poor police officer; every aspect of his life will be scrutinised to find weakness or anti-Catholic tendencies. Only time will tell.

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