Saturday, October 5, 2013

Urgent need for a prayer to stop the pious piffle

What's real what's not real? What does a term such as ' the real world' mean?

No doubt most ordinary people want to think of themselves as real and living in a world that is real.

Read Erich Kästner's 'Fabian' and one might wonder what exactly the 'real world' means.

What at all would Kästner say to so much of the pious piffle that appears on many right-wing religious writings/blogs?

The material, the style, the seeming certainty, it's all simply shocking.

One is tempted to ask if the writers of this material really believe what they write.

And then all the pious humbug wrapped up in solemn pronouncements.

If we can say anything about God surely it is on the lines of kindness and gentleness. Real too.

Less certainty and more kindness and gentleness.

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