Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Vatican and a culture of homosexuality

For over 30 years and longer, this writer has spoken openly and clearly about a closet gay clerical culture right across the Catholic Church.

Today we get clear glimpses from the Vatican what might be the reality.

Again, there is nothing at all wrong with being homosexual. But what has happened in the church is perverse. There is a real explicit link between closet gay priests, bishops and cardinals, who express an over attention to an orthodoxy that has so little meaning for people.

These same men give an attention to liturgical practice, which is most unhealthy.

Has it taken Pope Benedict to prize the lid on something that needs urgent talk and discussion.


Francis Hunt said...

Michael, I do believe your time has come!

I admire your persistence and bravery.

Michael Commane said...

Thank you Francis. But I am exhausted and frustrated, sad too. But worst of all, nothing, nothing at all is being done to address the issues.

Take a look at the Irish church, the spin, the nonsense, the crazy pious material. Visit some websites and get a flavour of what's happening.

Just look at the Irish church, diocesan and religious, and study what has happened in the last 12 months and one gets a good picture of what the reality is.

Con Harrington said...

Wouldn't it be great to have openly-gay, good men as priests?

I'm sick of the closet lads sashaying in the soutanes and the habits polishing up their invisible masculinity.

What are they afraid of?

That the collars aren't stiff enough, the cuffs white anough, the hair short enough, the public soul shiny enough?

Keep up the good work.

Until one day you disappear.

Ah, they'd never.......

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