Monday, February 25, 2013

Keith O'Brien resigns

Pope Benedict has accepted the resignation of Cardinal Keith O'Brien.

Yesterday young clerical students were arguing that the newspaper story was yet again another sign of an anti-church agenda.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

The continual whining from right-wing Catholics about a liberal media campaign against the Church is becoming an old saw, often repeated, mantra-like, in preference to engaging in real dialogue with the many diverse people and groups who have problems with particular teachings or activities of the "official" Catholic church. It's nothing more than a persecution complex

Actually, most "liberals" have different and more important things on their minds than the obscure antics of those who purport to speak for the RC Church.

Personally, I'm becoming ever more fed up of the hurtful, demeaning and untrue comments about us non-believers, agnostics and atheists, spouted by many church figures. We are generally deeply moral people, with a genuine sense of the beauty of life and the wonderful complex depth of the cosmos and the life in which we find ourselves. People like Cardinal Murphy O''Connor describing us as "less than fully human" (as he did a few years ago) are disrespectful and insulting.

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