Sunday, February 24, 2013

Now the focus moves to Scotland

The breaking story of allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Cardinal Keith O'Brien is naturally a big story.

What is a bigger story is that the cardinal did not 'turn up' for Mass this morning and his alledged immediate dependence on lawyers.

The constant and permanent legal language that the institutional church is now using when it comes to sexual abuse is nothing less than pathetic.

It seems as if the church has found some sort of all-purpose screen that they think protects them and exonerates them from further damage. It's their damage limitation modus operandi.

When is someone going to stop and ask about the sort of person who receives preferential treatment within the church, right across the church, diocesan and religious.

If there is substance to the allegations against Cardinal Keith O'Brien then surely this is the time for a root and branch examination of what's happening in the Catholic Church, with special emphasis on the system used in the appointment/election of people in ledearship positions.

One priest complainant said, "The church tends to cover up and protect the system at all costs."

It's the same old pathetic story all the time.

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