Thursday, April 12, 2012

It is not at all as simple as it looks

There is an editorial in today's Irish Times, 'Disciplining dissent' concerning the suggestion made by the Vatican that Fr Tony Flannery take himself to a monastery for six weeks to pray and reflect on his liberal views.

It is difficult to understand in any sort of real way what is going on and how the Vatican makes its decisions.

Has it something to do with 'mysterium fidei? Doubtful.

While it is not helpful to use such terms as right wing and left wing, they are real terms that can say things about people.

But it would seem that when commentators use these terms about the church they become confusing and unhelpful in meaning.

On a personal note, in my 45 years in the Dominican Order, people with 'modern right-wing' views have confused and yes, upset me.

I have always been of the opinon that they are unhealthily secretive. Maybe even play games; place great stress on ritual and liturgical performance but a ritual and performance that can easily be put aside when the circumstance and situation requires and or demands.

Many homosexual men, who become priests seem to be scared of their orientation, which is unfortunately understandable in our church, but as a result they become closet gay men, who develop traits that are anything but healthy for themelves and the communities in which they live.
It seems as if men, who are gay priests and afraid to speak of their orientation find their friends among like-orientated people. This might well lead to sub cultures in communities. Can that be healthy or helfpul?

Many years ago while living in Rome, it was difficult not to ask questions about so many of the priests who found work in Roman bureaucracy.

Nothing at all to do with their orienatation but everything to do with homosexual men, who were forced to deny their orientation. It seems to lead to a dishonesty that develops into an unhealthy lifrestyle.

I have seen men lose their lives over this issue. And seldom a word has ever been spoken.

There is an issue here that needs discussion, carried out in honesty and charity.

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