Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The dos and don'ts of what to do with ashes

There is a report in today's 'Irish Times' that the church says sharing ashes is inappropriate.

Fr Paddy Jones, directeor of the National Centre for Liturgy at Maynooth said that "ashes should be treated with the same respect as the body.

"I've heard stories of ashes being left on a mantlepiece, or distribued among relatives. This is inappropriate," he said.

No doubt when it comes to death, people express style and taste in different ways. Some people do things well, others not so well.

Style tells us certain things about people.

Fr Jones says it is inappropriate to place ashes on a mantlepiece. Is it inappropriate to scatter ashes, say at sea?

Priests and their rules. It can be so tedious at times.


Michael said...

Funny how everything inappropriate is for the common folk. I do not recall Paddy Jones talking about lousy preaching as inappropriate. I do not recall Paddy Jones talking about forcing a poorly translated missal on the church as inappropriate. I do not recall Paddy Jones talking about allowing the powerful like Enda Kenny to speak at a relative's funeral while saying here can be no eulogies by the common people as inappropriate. Funny that.

Michael Commane said...

Our minds coalesce.

Your comments appear to me accurate and true.

Didn't a Kennedy speak fine words at a funeral Mass of a Kennedy in Boston?

Funny indeed, but also so sad for those who have been damaged by it all.

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