Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ministerial gaffes and a silent church

The Government has not helped the cause in introducing the Household Charge. And the Minister for the Environment has been particularly lacking in media savvy in so many of his comments in recent days.

And not a word from a single church figure as to the pros and cons of the tax. They have nothing to say.

How could they, when probably not a single church property will be paying the Household Charge. As registered charities they will be exempt from the levy.

Surely this needs further examination.


Richard said...


You might be interested in the actions of Father Brian O’Fearraigh from Gaoth Dobhair (see http://www.independent.ie/national-news/priest-and-td-tear-up-registration-forms-at-protest-rally-3060941.html) who is leading the anti-household charge in Donegal

Michael Commane said...

No, I disagree with the action of the priest.

I have no difficulty with people being asked to pay a tax on their homes. It is the way it has been done that concerns me.

Anonymous said...

Is it a gaffe to say 'gaffs'?

Michael Commane said...

Oops, apologies and thank you. Well spotted. I hope Ms/Mr Anonymous you are a regular reader and enjoy the blog.

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