Sunday, March 18, 2012

Holders of top German posts share common background

Today the German Federal Assembly elects a new Federal Assembly.
There are two candidates, Joachim Gauck and Beate Klarsfeld.

The CDU. CSU, SPD, FDP and Green Party are voting for Joachim Gauck. Beate Glassfeld is the candidate of the Left Party.

It means it's a foregone conclusion that Joachim Gauck will be the next Federal President.

It is significant that both Angela Merkel and Joachim Gauck grew up and received all their education in the former GDR.

The president is elecetd in the Reichstag. The electors are made up of members of the Bundestag and Bundesrat. There are 1,240 voters.

Each person with a vote lines up and casts her or his vote. It is done in alphabetical order and takes over two hours.

It is also worth noting that the new president is a former pastor and the chancellor is the daughter of a pastor. And both Merkal and Gauck come from the north German State of Mecklinburg Vorpommern.

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