Thursday, March 11, 2010

A mix of arrogance and incompetence

Last night TV3 showed part of the bishops press conference in Maynooth.

This event has to be a most significant event in the Irish church.

Three bishops, John McAnreavey, Chrsity Jones and Denis Brennan fielded questions from interviewers.

These three men were incredible, incompetent and arrogant. It was at the highest possible point on the cringe meter.

Maybe Vincent Browne was somewhat petulant but these three men behaved in a shameless and utterly incompetent manner.

Are these the people who talk about the 'deposit of faith'? Are these the men to whom Catholics are expected to show allegiance and respect? Are these the men who sit on boards? Are these the men who ordain priests?

This was the best possible example of Irish clericalism. No doubt these three men came up the clerical promotion pole; never said a wrong word, spoke the clerical speak and hey presto John Paul II makes them bishops.

Irish clericalism was shown in the full splendour it deserves on TV 3 last evening on the Vincent Browne Show.

How sad. How tragic. But what is even more tragic and sad, these men will be replaced by people of the same style, speak and incompetence.

The TV comedy 'Fr Ted' could not have made up what appeared on TV3 last evening.

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