Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A launch

Looking through the website of the Irish Dominicans I came across this note.
As you will see it was decided in September 2004 to 'update' the Irish Dominican website. Today is September 5, 2007.
What exactly did Harold Wilson mean when he said,'A week is a long time in politics'?.

from Fr. Pat Lucey, OP.

On behalf of the Irish Dominican friars I welcome you to our reconstructed and up-dated website. It was suggested at our Provincial Chapter held at St. Mary's, Tallaght, in September, 2004, that we should set about this task and I am happy now to re-launch the present website. I hope you enjoy using the site and pray that it will be used as an effective tool to preach the Word of God

Fr Pat Lucey OP

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