Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The late Fr Michael Cleary

RTE television ran a programme on the late Fr Michael Cleary on Monday evening. As a result of the programme there have been many words spoken about the man and the era.
In 1990 Fr Cleary published a book called 'From the Heart'.
One chapter is titled 'Priests are human too'. It is a great example of the 'clerical thing'.
And in that chapter he talks about 'the pseudo-intellectuals' and 'noveau riche' who 'church-bash'.
The arrogance is breath-taking. But it is the clerical mind-set. I'm scared when I hear clerics talk about the 'laity'.
The chapter headings in the book make for extraordinary reading.
It would be irreverent and inappropriate to list here the chapter headings.
I'm amazed that no journalist has picked up on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched the programme with interest. Fr Michael was one of my heros. Since his passing I felt totally let down by what I perceived as his hypocracy. During and after the programme I totally re-evaluated my feelings towards Fr. Michael. He was after all only a human being, prone to making mistakes, albeit a major one in not recognising his sons (plural, as there was another given up to adoption). Unlike 'normal' people his abiding good works would have to be recognised of a greater magnitude than normal. He failed to confront his fears but we can never deviate from the fact that inherently he was a GOOD MAN.

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