Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saints names on all Aer Lingus aircraft

It’s interesting that Aer Lingus still

gives names of Irish saints to all its aircraft. It’s a nice touch but it is surprising that there has not been a campaign to end the tradition that goes back to 1936.

Every national carrier gives names to its planes and most States give names to their trains.

The Russians call their aircraft after famous people, mainly military. 

The Germans give major city names to their airplanes. They call their trains after famous people. Many years ago they named ICE 820/821 after the famous German Dominican saint Albertus Magnus. The train back then travelled between Cologne and Nurenberg.

Irish Rail calls its locomotives after Irish rivers.

The major Irish Rail stations are called after those closely associated with the 1916 Rising. They were renamed in 1966 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Rising.

The name of the main station in the State was changed from Kingsbridge to Heuston Station. John Heuston had a brother, Fr Michael Heuston a Dominican priest.

1 comment:

Andi said...

But you're right. If the Vatican is already doing that, it probably won't be long before Aerlingus does either!

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