Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Irish listeners tune in to far-right US radio station

This week’s Mediahuis Irish regional newspapers’ column.

Michael Commane
Last October I wrote in this column that UCD was advertising on Patriot Radio, a far-right US radio station. Since then there has been a multiplication of Irish companies advertising on Patriot Radio. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has advertised on the station advising listeners on how to return completed 2022 census forms. Toyota dealers in Dublin, building suppliers Chadwicks also advertise on the station as do the Road Safety Authoirty, Vodafone Ireland, Shannon Airport, and indeed many more.

Having heard the UCD ad I made enquiries as to why a State-funded university would or could spend tax payers money advertising on Patriot Radio. 

It was pointed out to me that what probably happens is that the likes of UCD pays for ads to a US agency, which in turn contracts a myriad radio, television and other media outlets to carry the advertisements.

It means most likely that UCD or indeed any of the Irish companies, whose ads appear on the station, may not intentionally or specifically advertise with Patriot Radio. But personally I’m not sure that’s good enough.

It is a 24-hour nasty attack on anything that might be liberal.

Trump is its hero and  it is a non-stop advertising platform for the Republican Party. With the mid-term elections now in sight in November it is constantly advising listeners to vote for the Republican candidates in their area, especially the pro-Trump ones.

It goes out of its way to insult and demean every  one it opposes. Its presenters devote their programmes to denigrating and insulting Democrats and all aspects of the party’s policies. They use language that would not be tolerated in any Irish newspaper or radio station. 

I have heard presenter Mark Levin call President Joe Biden the vilest of names and claims that he is not of sound mind. Last week he called him an idiot. He has launched vitriolic attacks on Black Lives Matter. I doubt the station would stand the test of Irish libel law. Its presenters openly approve of US citizens carrying guns and gratuitously attack those who disagree, and in doing so they make fun of them.
I have been asked why I listen to the station. For a long time it intrigued me and I simply could not believe what I was hearing. And then once I began hearing Irish ads I became more interested, annoyed too. 

I cannot believe that any Irish company, State agency or university would willingly advertise on this station. In the case of State-funded agencies it is imperative that those advertising with the station think again about how their ads are appearing on it. 

Obviously US advertising agencies must be aware that Patriot Radio is gaining traction in Ireland, otherwise the ads would not be appearing. It is being listened to in Ireland as the advertisements are proving. I am surprised the station is receiving no adverse media attention in Ireland. There needs to be a debate about it. If such material were broadcast on Irish radio or television there would be uproar, and rightly so too.

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