Thursday, August 5, 2021

Large numbers joining the Travel Pass brigade

It’s not just priests who are

growing old.

In Ireland in 2016 there were 630,000 people aged 65 and over, which accounted for approximately 13 per cent of the population.

It is projected that by 2031 that figure will have jumped to approximately one million and 1.6 million by 2051.

At present approximately 50,000 people hit the 65 age group every year. Over the next 15 years this number is projected to grow to 70,000 annually.

The number of people aged 80 and over is projected to  rise from 148,000 in 2016 to between 536,000 and 549,000 in 2051.


Anonymous said...

Why do you refer to people over 65 as the "Travel Pass Brigade" -- is that their distinguishing feature? Most of them will be retired, having given a lifetime of service in whatever role. Most will have paid taxes throughout their working lives, and have many have fairly modest pensions. In fact, they don't qualify for "free travel" until they are 66.

Michael Commane said...

Have you a name or indeed, a sense of humour?
Did the blogpost link an age with Travel Pass qualification?

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