Monday, August 2, 2021

Bishop Kevin Doran ignores advice of health experts

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has said he does not approve of any 'unilateral breaching' of Covid-19 regulations after Elphin Bishop, Kevin Doran informed priests of the diocese they can go ahead with Communion and Confirmation ceremonies.

The taoiseach stressed the government’s only motivation on the regulations is to protect the health of the people.

What does Bishop Kevin Doran know that Nphet, the HSE, medical experts and the government don’t know?

The Archdiocese of Dublin is abiding by government regulations, which would seem the correct action to take.

Spokesman for the Catholic bishops, Martin Long said there was no centralised policy or approach to Communion and Confirmation ceremonies.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

I'm awaiting with interest Bishop Doran's disavowal of responsibility when the first Communion party is identified as a Covid spreader event. It's deeply disingenuous for Doran's supporters to claim that all appropriate distancing measures can be adhered to during the church services. These do not happen in a vacuum, most children are not vaccinated, and the delta variant is very infectious. Or will the bishop personally attend all the subsequent parties to ensure that all the public health measures (control of vaccination certificates, masking, distancing, etc.) are adhered to?

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