Monday, November 23, 2020

What an Irish priest said on Friday on RTE Radio 1

Last Friday on RTE Radio 1's Today with Claire Byrne Fr PJ Hughes, a Cavan priest spoke about his objection to State regulations on closing churches for public Masses during Level 5 of Covid regulations.

He made some strange statements during the interview. Early in the interview he said: "I don't represent the church". Then later he said: "I'm the Catholic Church".

And that in many ways sums up the tone that Fr Hughes was saying.

Dr Gabriel Scally summed up the interview wisely, saying: "Gosh".

A perfect summation.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

Unfortunately, even for those who claim to know what God wants, the jokey variation on Jesus' words in John's Gospel happens to be true:

"Where two or three are gathered in anyone's name, there am I in the midst of them"
- Book of Covid

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