Thursday, July 9, 2020

Distributing Holy Communion from a 'Safe space'

Fr Joe O'Brien distributing Holy Communion
 in Holy Cross, Dominican church, Tralee.
This picture appeared on the front page of The Irish Examiner on Monday and a similar picture is in The Kerryman this week.

It shows Fr Joe O'Brien distributing Holy Communion at the Dominican church in Tralee from a 'Safe space' as the caption reads.

In The Kerryman this week there is a number of stories of how churches in Kerry have adjusted to Covid-19.

Simon Brouder writes in The Kerryman: "Protective visors are now the norm for priests, strict non-contact rules have been introduced for Communion, while sharing the 'sign of peace' is a thing of the past.

"At the Dominican church in Tralee the safety steps have been taken even further with priests at daily Masses handing out Communion from a specially made perspex box in front of the altar."

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