Wednesday, April 22, 2020

US due to withdraw from Paris climate deal on November 4

The Paris Agreement to help fight global warming was signed on April 22, 2016.

On June 1, 2017 US President Donald Trump announced that the United States would cease all participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change Mitigation. He said it would undermine the economy of the US.

The US is due to withdraw formally from the agreement on November 3 in November, the day after the US presidential election.

At the White House press conference last evening he alluded to the illness of Kim Jong Un, wished him well and said that if he were not now president America would be at war with North Korea.

Though the press conference is meant to be on Covid-19, the president wanders off every evening. It's a perfect platform for him to campaign for the November election.

He spoke about the wall that he is having built

"I want our citizens to have jobs and I don't want them to have competition," he said when talking about his new ban on immigration.

He gets back to talking about spending $7 trillion dollars in the Middle East while they need to rebuild their own roads and bridges.

Again he repeats how China has ripped the US off for years and now he has stopped all that.

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