Friday, April 3, 2020

Trump's antics can't sit easily with the bereaved

On a day when 1,094 people have died in the United States from Covid-19, President Donald Trump talks nonsense at his now daily press conference. Most days it goes on for over an hour. Today it lasts over an hour and 10 minutes.

Today he made reference again to the fact that there was no ammunition when he became president. And that all the medical shelves were empty.

Any question he did not like he insulted the journalist and refers to it as 'fake news'. On one occasion when he could not answer the question he called it a 'nasty question'.

He was back saying that before the crisis the US had the best economy ever in the history of the United States. And the best economy in the world.

Asked a question about the shortage of ventilators in New York he said: "We happen to think he [the mayor] is well served with ventilators. We'll find out."

He talked about countries ripping off America and how countries have taken advantage of the US.

He said that water is more valuable than oil. Could that be true?

He made a crass comment about the models being used to calculate the surge, giving the word another meaning. What an insult to the  relatives of the 1,094 people who died today.

He finished the press conference talking about election fraud.

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