Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pope Francis phones former Dominican James Alison.

There is an article in the  current issue of The Tablet written by James Alison.

James is a gay man and a former Dominican priest.

This is a brilliant honest piece and should be on the curriculum of every institute where men are studying for priesthood.

He talks about the phone call he recieves from Pope Francis.

The words of Pope Francis as quoted by Alison: 

I want you to walk with deep interior freedom, following the Spirit of Jesus. And I give you the power of the keys. Do you understand? I give you the power of the keys.

Pray for me. I'll look up your dossier and get back to you.

Pope Francis offers a hope and love, a hope and love about which the clerics who work and live in the dark can never dare dream.

Is there an outside agency that inspects/monitors the management of institutes where men train for priesthood?

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The anti-clerical coalition

Interesting and makes for interesting reading.