Saturday, September 28, 2019

Joe Heffernan OP, RIP

Dominican priest Joe Heffernan died in Tallaght Hospital on Thursday, September 26.

Joe was born in Dublin in May 1932. He made his profession in November 1956 and was ordained a priest in June 1977.

His initial years in the Order were spent in St Mary's Priory, Tallaght.

While in Tallaght he worked as a cook at the weekends in the Retreat House.

Before joining the Order he was an active member of the Legion of Mary and the spirituality he imbibed during those years remained with him for the rest of his life.

Joe was a quietly spoken man, gentle in demeanour, a kind man too, who always had time to listen and be concerned for other people.

He spent many years in Trinidad and Australia.

When Joe joined the Order his intentions were to be a 'lay brother' or cooperator brother - unfortunate names for non-ordained members of the Order. There is a long history of non-ordained members being treated as second-class citizens.

At reception of the habit Joe was given the name Brice. Later, most likely after his priestly ordination, he reverted to his baptismal name, the name his parents had given him at birth.

In the early 1970s Joe studied philosophy and theology and was ordaind a priest in 1977. He was one of a number of 'brothers' who decided to become priests. Indeed, Joe may have been the last of that group of 'brothers' to take priestly ordination.

After ordination he returned to Trinidad where he ministered as a priest. His faith and gentleness was greatly appreciated. It so happened that on the day of his death a woman phoned from Trinidad hoping to speak with him. When she was told that he had died that day she spoke in glowing terms of his fine priestly qualities.

Among the places in Ireland where Joe ministered as a priest were Drogheda and Kilkenny.

He moved to the Black Abbey in Kilkenny in 2017 and in his short time there he built up a strong relationship with those who attend the Dominican church in the city.

Joe had been in failing health for the last number of months.

His funeral Mass takes place at 11.30am next Tuesday in St Mary's Priory, Tallaght followed by burial in the community cemetery.

May he rest in peace.

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