Thursday, March 14, 2019

The terrible Pell story

"Pell earned his stripes in the war on sex", so wrote Australian journalist David Marr in late February.

Irish priest Brendan Purcell, now working in Australia, appeared on Irish radio criticising the Australian justice system.

The Dominican archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher was quoted in ‘The Tablet’ as saying that Gerorge Pell is now offering his time in prison for innocent people who are incarcerated.

Was it wise for Purcell and Fisher to condemn the Australian justice system?

Below is David Marr's article on George Pell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don’t like Pell, his approach to faith, his attitudes, his interpretations. That said, I have profound misgivings over the manner of his conviction. His accuser is unnamed. That accused did not give testimony at the second trial, a recording was used. The other man, for whom Pell was convicted is dead but previously said Pell did not abuse him. Pell was previously tried and it resulted in a hung jury. The process stinks.

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