Thursday, November 3, 2016

Susan Sarandon on Tuesday's US election

Susan Sarandon explained her views on why she is neither voting for Clinton or Trump in next week's US election. She was interviewed last night by Evan Davis on BBC 2's Newsnight.

She stressed how she is aghast at the building of the Dakota Access Pipe Line. And points out how neither Clinton nor Trump is opposed to it.

When Evans asked her why she would not vote for a woman she replied: "I don't vote with my vagina".

Below is a piece on the Dakota Pipe Line by a young woman studying in Dublin.

For anyone not too familiar with what  is going on; this is the general gist: Fossil fuel corporations are building a huge oil pipeline (Dakota Access PipeLine) through the lands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. So they are being bulldozed out. 

They are obviously very upset- these lands are sacred to them- and they, being the earth caring people that they are- are also very concerned about the pipeline's effects on water, the earth and climate change. So they have been peacefully demonstrating in huge numbers - many, many different tribes have all come together to help out;  they are locking their bodies onto the pipeline building machinery, holding peaceful processions and marches and prayer ceremonies etc.  

All so peaceful. But the police have descended on them with frightening aggression - armed to the teeth -  it has been reported that armoured cars have even arrived on site. Hundreds of native Americans have been arrested at this stage and others have been really hurt by the police, some have been shot at point blank with concussion grenades, others have had  arms and wrists broken. 

It is literally modern day colonialism - complete with violence. And it's just being allowed to happen.

1 comment:

Deirdre Duff said...

Thanks so much for spreading the word about DAPL and the plight of StandingRock Michael.For anyone wondering what they can do to help; this list of 4 requests came out of a Skype Conference Call with some of the native Americans themselves on Monday.
There are 4 key requests coming out from Land Defenders on Standing Rock: (1) Go to Standing Rock as soon as you can, (2) take action in your own community, (3) work to end the media whiteout, and (4) donate money and resources to those on the ground.

1. Traveling to Standing Rock

We also ask that folks register if they plan on coming to camp. There is a sense of urgency to arrive there as soon as possible and at the same time keep a constant presence in Standing Rock. We are wondering when you are thinking of going and for how long? You can register to come to camp at:

And you can either look up on facebook Global #NoDAPL Solidarity Ride Share or use this link

For non-native allies who are coming, please take time to read through the documents that the awesome members of the Solidariteam have worked hard on, before you arrive at Standing Rock. They will support you in being the most effective ally you can be. The Oceti Sakowin Camp Protocols were written with camp elders. Please take the time to read these principles, guidelines and information about going to Standing Rock here.

2. Interested in organizing local actions

We are asking those you can’t go to Standing Rock to engage in local protests and actions targeting the corporations, banks and government agencies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. People across the world have already engaged in rallies, occupations, sit-ins and other protests -- now more than ever, we need people to stand in solidarity with those putting their bodies on the line!

We are providing you with a map of the financial, governmental and corporate targets behind DAPL to make it easier for you to locate where to hold an action near where you live. If there are no corporate or governmental targets in your area, please reach out and we will find a way for you to plug in.

If you are currently planning an action on a governmental, corporate or financial target, pleaseregister your action here! For more information on planning actions go

3. Participating in the campaign to Stop the Media Whiteout

The mainstream media has failed to publicize the devastation of the pipeline and the true impacts it will have on Native people. We have also seen consistent social media censorship. If you are an independent journalist, have broad social media reach please help us continue to tell the story of the water protectors. If you are a part of any social media site, we ask that you commit to posting and/or sharing at least twice a day on each site!

4. General links and donation info

We appreciate your interest in wanting to donate monetary support. Below are the various links to donate to that represent many of the different camps within the movement. Please share these links and consider asking your church, school, or local organization to donate towards this important fight.

Red Warrior Camp

Official Winterizing Fund

Official Legal Fund


Sacred Stone Camp

Donate to our legal fund:

Camp fund:

Thank you so much for your support! Remember to stay vigilant and stay active!

In solidarity,

#NoDAPL Global Solidarity Team

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