Sunday, January 25, 2015

Charlie Hebdo and Dominican websites

Toby Lees OP has an article published on the website of the Dominican Order,

The article is about the Charlie Hebdo controversy.

Toby Lees OP uses many 'buts' in his piece. He also uses the words 'truth' and 'beauty'

Towards the end of the article he refers to the motto of the Dominican Order, which is veritas or truth.

Maybe Dominicans should be more careful talking about the motto of the Order? Or at least, maybe a hard look at the living practice of the Order might convince people to be reticent in talking about the word 'veritas'.

A brief reading of Dominican websites can easily tell a story of the life of the Order that is far removed from the day-to-day living of Dominican life.

Toby Lees OP also uses the word 'freedom'.

Does represent any sort of freedom? Is there ever a word of criticism about the Order on

Toby Lees OP states that he has never seen Charlie Hebdo, nor have I. A question: does Charlie Hebdo represent a freerer 'spirit' than most of the 'stuff' that appears on Dominicn websites?

People can hurt and offend in terribly sophisticated ways, far removed from the crassness and vulgarity of Charlie Hebdo. Indeed, in such learned and 'clever' ways. Is it any less hurtful?

The editorial board of Charlie Hebdo may well represent an elite

And the 'elites' in the Dominican Order?


Thomas G McCarthy said...

Journal irresponsable is the 'motto' or 'self-definition' of Charlie Hebdo. That says a lot.
It was in my view offensive to Muslims (among them many French citizens) to present a satirical image of their esteemed and revered founder on the cover of CH the week after the tragic and horrific atrocity in Paris. It will have come across to many as if the editors (bereaved of some of their well-known colleagues) were saying, in effect, 'We will continue to offend what you hold sacred', even at the cost of human life.

Michael said...

Not doing so would have come across as saying that the gun rules. What will be said when the nutcases object to any representation of religion other than islam? The world rightly takes great offense at the atrocities commmitted in the name of islam. And yet your commentator thinks thhat the press should back down. In that case let the church roll up its missionary tent and fade away.

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