Saturday, January 31, 2015
Richard von Weizsäcker dies
von Weizsäacked was a giant of his generation.
As President of the Federal Republic he gave a famous speech in the Bundestag on May 8, 1985, the 40th anniversary of the ending of the war. He spoke about May 8 being a day of freedom for all.
Later he spoke about the importance of good German Russian relations, how Germans should learn to live together in respect and fraternity with Jews and Muslims.
He was greatly admired and respected in Germany.
Words, truth and authenticity
Friday, January 30, 2015
"The good die young"
It's often said in the Dominican Order that all good Dominicans die in their 40s.
Yesterday was the birthday of John O'Gorman, who was 57 when he died in 2002. Paul Hynes died at 51 in 1985.
The English Dominican Bede Jarrett once quipped: "Good Dominicans are young until they die."
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Women, men and church
"It requires a certain manly discipline to serve as an altar boy in service at the side of [a] priest, and most priests have their first deep experiences of the liturgy as altar boys," said the former archbishop of St. Louis. He added that "the sanctuary has become full of women" and that has discouraged men from taking part in church life."
It is generally accepted that gay men have good, friendly and healthy relations with women.
It seems that closet gay priests have great difficulty interacting with women.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The foolishness of not communicating the news
It's interesting to note how little communication there is between the men and their superiors. A lesson for our time?
"I was horrified when I saw the map. We're quite alone, without any help from outside. Hitler has left us in the lurch. Whether this letter gets away depends on whether we still hold the airfield. We are lying in the north of the city. The men in my unit already suspect the truth, but they aren't so exactly informed as I am. No, we are not going to be captured. When Stalingrad falls you will hear and read about it. Then you will know that I shall not return."
An Auschwitz survivor
"I threw myself into family life. I married young, I had three children, (I now also have four grandchildren) and then I went to college and became a teacher. You fall into a routine and do the best you can. But I’ve never lost the feeling of how unreliable human beings are and neither am I fooled by superficial civilisation. But I realise that loss of faith in people is more devastating than loss of faith in God."
A rich Apple
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
February issue of free-sheet 'Alive' tells an untruth
It's time the management team of the Irish province of the Dominican Order publicly distanced itself from this publication.
Remembrance Day
On this date 70 years ago, the Soviet Army arrived at the gates of Auschwitz.
Over 1.2 million people had been killed at the German camp. In all, the Germans slaughtered over six million people in the death camps.
Today is also the 71st anniversary of the ending of the siege of Leningrad, now St Petersburg. It lasted 900 days.
At Leningrad one million Soviet citizens lost their lives.
News outlets these days refer to the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. Why not call it what it was - A German death camp. It was the Germans who caused the slaughter in all those camps, at Leningrad, on the Volga and right across Europe.
Monday, January 26, 2015
No show for Merkel or Gauck, instead Wulff goes
Instead the German authorities have sent the former disgraced Christian Wulff, who was forced to resign as German President.
The world of diplomacy.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Toxic publications?
Rorate Caeli blog publishes extreme positions. Here is a recent posting:
Charlie Hebdo and Dominican websites
The article is about the Charlie Hebdo controversy.
Toby Lees OP uses many 'buts' in his piece. He also uses the words 'truth' and 'beauty'
Towards the end of the article he refers to the motto of the Dominican Order, which is veritas or truth.
Maybe Dominicans should be more careful talking about the motto of the Order? Or at least, maybe a hard look at the living practice of the Order might convince people to be reticent in talking about the word 'veritas'.
A brief reading of Dominican websites can easily tell a story of the life of the Order that is far removed from the day-to-day living of Dominican life.
Toby Lees OP also uses the word 'freedom'.
Does represent any sort of freedom? Is there ever a word of criticism about the Order on
Toby Lees OP states that he has never seen Charlie Hebdo, nor have I. A question: does Charlie Hebdo represent a freerer 'spirit' than most of the 'stuff' that appears on Dominicn websites?
People can hurt and offend in terribly sophisticated ways, far removed from the crassness and vulgarity of Charlie Hebdo. Indeed, in such learned and 'clever' ways. Is it any less hurtful?
The editorial board of Charlie Hebdo may well represent an elite
And the 'elites' in the Dominican Order?
Only a 'Plonker' could write what Tipp TD Lowry wrote
"Taoiseach would you please consider re-appointing Valerie O'Reilly to the board of the NTA. A woman, bright, inteligent and not bad looking either! Michael Lowry".
If the Tipperary TD really sent this note to Enda Kenny then it would seem our politicians are irredeemable.
'Del Boy's' 'Plonker' comment is not good enough to describe what a moron anyone would be to write such nonsense.
Pauline Cafferkey
She was interviewed on the evening BBC 1 television news yesterday.
A remarkable young woman. Two words out of her mouth and one knows they are listening to an extraordinary person.
Something so lovely about her
A wonder in Wicklow
Lough Dan offers walkers magnificent views.
Alas, yesterday Tess did not make it to the top. Missed a fire break in the forest and with failing sunlight it was time to turn round and head back to the road.
There were real hints of spring in Wicklow yesterday and that magic 'stretch' in the evening.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The Irish flag, Saudi Arabia and a public flogging
The rights of women are greatly limited in Saudi Arabia. People are beheaded in public and currently a controversy is raging around the world concerning the public flogging of a man who has been sentenced to a thousand lashes. A series of lashes had to be postponed to allow his wounds to heal.
Friday, January 23, 2015
RTE's Sean O'Rourke Show and same sex marriage
This morning much time was given to the upcoming referendum on same sex marriage.
It's interesting to note the apparent personal animosity betweeen people with different views. Was today's discussion centred around personalities or ideology?
Does the listener learn anything?
Is the 'nasty' person the one whose views you do not accept? And it seemed there was an air of nastiness on the show today.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
"The lying press"
This year the prize goes to 'Lügenpresse'. The word means 'Lying press' and is constantly used by PEGIDA. The anti-Islam organisation regularly accuses the media of not telling the truth about them.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
German bishop acts against PEGIDA priest Spätling
He may no longer work as a priest in the Catholic Church.
At the Monday demonstration in Duisburg Spätling criticised Chancellor Merkel for her coments on Islam. He also objected to the Catholic authorities for turning off the lights of Cologne Cathedral on the evening that PEGIDA held a meeting in Cologne.
Fr Spätling has been celebrating Mass in Latin.
PEGIDA is objecting to the Islamisation of Europe.
Poverty in Ireland
1.4 million people are experiencing deprivation, an increase of 128 per cent since 2008.
Overall, nearly 700,000 people are still at risk of poverty, of which 211,000 are children.
Approximately, one in six children and one in 10 people aged over 65 are at risk of poverty, a new study shows.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The men in the Politburo
Four years later Gorbachev travelled to the GDR for the country's 40th anniversary. Erich Honecker was slow to realise that 'Gorbi' was tired with all the nonsense that was going on.
Is that, more or less, what's happening in the Roman Catholic Church right now?
All those faceless men in the 'Politburo' and their 'phylacteries'.
On the fall of the Berlin Wall someone said, anything is now possible.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Britons on benefit in EU
Unemployed Britons are drawing much more in benefits and allowances in the wealthier EU countries than their nationals are claiming in the UK, despite the British government’s arguments about migrants flocking in to the country to secure better welfare payments. At least 30,000 British nationals are claiming unemployment benefit in countries around the EU, research by the Guardian has found, based on responses from 23 of the 27 other EU countries. The research shows more than four times as many Britons obtain unemployment benefits in Germany as Germans do in the UK, while the number of jobless Britons receiving benefits in Ireland exceeds their Irish counterparts in the UK by a rate of five to one.
Poor and rich
Central Bankers around the world are speaking out in opposition to the growing inequality.
Tomorrow President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address is going to speak out against 'trickle down' economics.
The Varadkar interview
If you missed it, it is available on the RTE Player.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Police stop PEGIDA
It means PEGIDA, the anti-Islamisation of Europe organisation, have been prohibited from their Monday night demos in Germany's most eastern city.
It is a most interesting development.
Back to the hills
Slippy conditions with a mix of snow underfoot.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Pope Francis in Philippines
Pope Francis' visit to Tacloban had to be cut short due to bad weather.
The visit is coverd in the Guardian, Der Spiegel online and indeed many other media outlets.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Guardian gives thoughtful analysis of lives of chaos
The headline on the story runs: "Broken homes to jail cells: chaotic lives of France's pioneers of jihad".
It's the story of grinding poverty, prison violence, non-stop chaos.
Dounia Bouzar, an anthropologist, who heads a centre to support families of French teenagers tempted by jihad or who have left for Syria said of Kouachi, one of the killers, "It's about transferring a feeling of malaise into a feeling of being all powerful".
If a portion of the money that is spent on weaponry and security were invested in the slums and poorhouses of Europe and the world might it be a different story?
If a hint of the drama and energy that is expended on security were given to building up the confidence and esteem of people in extreme poverty, there might never have been the Koucahi brothers.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Pope Francis says you cannot insult faith of others
A question for Dublin Bus
What does it mean? Does it mean that the longest a passenger has to wait is 10 minutes or is it a badly worded clause, which tries to say there is a 747 every 10 minutes?
Whatever it is meant to mean, it seems badly expressed.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Vladimir Putin must be invited to Auschwitz
Auschwitz was the epicentre of the German genocide of European Jews, with about 1.5 million murdered in its gas chambers.
It seems that Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been invited to attend.
That cannot make sense and EU leaders must sit down with their Russian counterparts and use the occasion to talk to one another.
A commemoration at Auschwitz wihtout the Russian President being present is a nonsense.
February 2 will be the 72nd anniversary of the success of the Red Army at Stalingrad on the Volga. It was there that the Red Army put a defnitive end to Nazi Germany.
In five months, one week and three days there were 2,150,000 casualties on the Volga. Is that not reason enough for Mr Putin to be invited to the former German death camp on Polish soil?
Geoffrey Roberts in his edited verison of Marshal Georgii Zhukov's autobiography, 'The Marshal of Victory' points out that Zhukov was probably the most important general in the second World War.
But for Zhukov and his army when would Auschwitz have been liberated?
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
A Christmas flashback and some 'dodgy' Christmases
Michael Commane
Christmas is over and almost forgotten about for another year. Cycling to work on the feast of the Epiphany, January 6, I spotted a Christmas tree in a window. I immediately experienced a flashback. I remember as a child the pure sadness of the Christmas tree coming down on January 6.
I can clearly remember standing in front of it and pleading that it be kept up another few days. But I also knew there was no point. Christmas was over and even as a child I knew any sort of pretence was pointless. The tree came down , back to school the next day and we got on with our lives.
Who to believe?
Thirty minutes later, the 08.00 Deutschlandfunk bulletin said that there were more demonstrations in Germany yesterday in support of pluralism and multi-cultural society than PEGIDA marches. German Radio said that 25,000 marched in Dresden opposed to the Islamisation of Europe
The BBC item was top of the news, Deutschlandfunk had it well down its bulletin.
Who to believe?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Hederman slams Oliver Callan's lampooning
Hederman was most critical of how Oliver Callan lampoons President Michael D Higgins.
During the course of the programme the abbot of Glenstal referred to undertones in Callan's acts re the relationship between the President and his assistant Kevin McCarthy. Callan denied any such 'undertones' and said he did not know what Hederman was talking about.
The two men were on the Seán O'Rourke Show in response to a piece which appeared in yesterday's Sunday Independent, which was written by Mark Patrick Hederman.
The artile appears below.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Favoured people
Imagine how our world would look if people felt 'favoured' - all people, no exceptions and no privileges.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Marshal of victory
The spider and the fly
There was a short ssish sound and the spider had its victim.
For the previous few minutes the fly had been flying about the room.
After the attack the spider managed to pull the fly up behind a wall picture.
Friday, January 9, 2015
So much cruelty
"The attack in Paris yesterday makes us think of so much cruelty, human cruelty; of so much terrorism, both of isolated acts of terrorism and state-sponsored terrorism. The cruelty that man is capable of! Let us pray at this Mass for the victims of this cruelty. So many! And let us also ask for the cruel ones, that the Lord may change their hearts."
RTE's French or German pronunciation?
And today Richard Downes outside Paris is also pronouncing the word in its German way.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
11.00, January 8, 2015
let your face shine on us and we shall be saved."
A line from Psalm 79, read at today's Morning Prayer.
The day Marlowe's article appeared in Irish Times
The book is about fictional figure Ben Abbes, a Muslim, who becomes French President.
The book has caused great upset among the French left and it featured in the most recent issue of Charlie Hebdo.
Little did Lara Marlowe know of what would happen on the day her piece appeard in The Irish Times.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
"I don't know"
One of Paul Howard's AKA Ross O'Carroll-Kelly's life lessons for each of his 44 years. The 44 are listed in yesterday's Irish Times.
Dominican theologian Fr Philip Gleeson seldom gave a lecture without saying: "Ah, I don't know." And he is a great teacher.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
A church with far too many sycophants and careerists
Michael Commane
Monday, January 5, 2015
On track - sort of
“Are you seriously taking issue with the way I’m coughing on public transport?” I asked. “Absolutely”, he responded, “it gets wearing after a while”, before shutting his eyes and falling back asleep. Now, I hadn’t been spluttering in his face or anything close to that and it was clear that other passengers in the vicinity got the whiff of a serious row. I was furious and in my mind’s eye I was hurling serious personal insults at this man.
Ms Revenue Scrooge
Right through the interview with a senior civil servant from Revenue listeners were given a 1800 number to call.
After the interview RTE corrected the number and told listeners it was a 1890 number.
1800 is toll free, 1890 is a pay number. How mean. And certainly a PR no no.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Pejorative 'Alive' headline
The headline sounds pejorative.
But it's the irony that is so notable. Is the proprietor/editor of 'Alive' aware of the number of homosexuals who are members of his organisation?
Whether a person is hetero or homosexual is irrelevant. But the way 'Alive' refers to the issue is most worrying.
What numbers of priests are gay men? It's not an issue but the dishonesty that surrounds the issue is not helpful.
UPC and the price of water
The latest increases work out at 10 per cent. It is the third set of increases within two years. Last year's price rise worked out at 14 per cent.
Has anyone heard a murmur of complaint about UPC's price hikes?
Aproximatley half a million users will be affected. People are paying sums of €170 per month to UPC.
Not a word, even a whisper of protest and a government on its knees because it plans charging for the use of water.
Maybe Irish Water should employ UPCs PR executives.
A funny old country indeed.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Using words to help make the world a better place
Michael Commane
On Christmas Eve three little children were sitting on the back seat, upstairs on a Bus Átha Cliatha bus. Their parents were sitting in the seat in front of them.
At one stage one of the three children, a little boy, spotted a Christmas tree in the window of a house. He shouted out, “Look at that tree isn’t it beautiful”. They were his exact words. At most he was six. And it was because of his young age that the formula of words he used caught my attention. It was really a powerfully strong statement.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Hans Fallada's Iron Gustav is a book not to be missed
The book was first published in 1938 but the first full edition was published in 1962, with the revised edition published in Penguin Classics in 2014.
Its insights in explaining what happened are simply brilliant.
Worryingly, it may have something to say about our times too.
Some months back Eileen Batterrsby seemed to have been fulsome in her praise of the book. Not at all, it is a brilliant read and not to be missed.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Challenge to old order
A decade and a half into the 21st century, we’re still living through the aftermath of two epoch-making shocks. The first was the demonstration of the limits of US power in the killing fields of Afghanistan and Iraq – the war on terror that broke the spell of invincibility of the world’s first truly global empire. The second was the financial crash of 2008 and the crisis of the western-dominated economic system it unleashed, still playing havoc with economies and lives across the world more than six years later.
That crisis will shape politics in Europe in 2015, from London to Madrid. But the impact will be felt first in Athens. The slump and stagnation that followed the crash has already fuelled the rise of the populist right. Now, after years of self-defeating austerity and falling living standards, the radical left has leapfrogged ahead to challenge for power in the most devastated eurozone economies of Greece and Spain.
It was a backlash waiting to happen. In Greece the leftwing Syriza party, which rejects the austerity enforced across the eurozone by its unelected troika, is favourite to win the snap elections called for the end of January. Syriza may have stepped back from its one-time demand for unilateral debt cancellation, its programme to boost living standards in the wake of a 1930s-style depression may be modest, and mainstream voices across Europe may also be calling for a change of direction. But Europe’s governing elites will have none of it.
Expect a ferocious campaign to terrify Greek voters, who have already been warned by the European commission’s Jean-Claude Juncker not to vote the “wrong” way. If Greeks still insist on making their own democratic choice, everything will be done to force Syriza to retreat. If all else fails, Greece will be punished for fear that others, such as Spain’s new Podemos party, might go down the same route later in the year.
The powers that be in Europe are determined to prop up a failed economic model regardless of the cost – as they will be in Britain if Labour wins the general election in May. The aftershocks of the breakdown of that neoliberal regime are still being felt across the world economy – in falling commodity prices, capital flight, stagnation and recession. But the interests that depend on it won’t let go without a serious challenge.
That’s just as true in terms of global power. The US and its satellites, including Britain, may have suffered a strategic defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan – symbolised by last weekend’s ceremony to mark the end of Nato’s combat mission, held in secret for fear of Taliban attacks. But they’re not letting go either. Some 13,000 troops are staying on as “trainers”, just as thousands of western troops have been returning to Iraq for the war against Isis – the al-Qaida breakaway spawned by their own invasion and occupation – with talk of a major assault in the spring.
In the same spirit, every effort was made at the time of the Arab uprisings of 2011 to hijack, control or crush them. Some of the results can be seen today in the disaster zone across the Middle East, the growing power of the western-backed autocracies of the Gulf, the brutality of Egypt’s new dictatorship and the maelstrom in post-intervention Libya, whose civil war is likely to intensify in the coming months.
Meanwhile, Russia’s challenge to untrammelled US strategic power, which began in Georgia in 2008 and intensified through Syria’s proxy war, has come to a head in the conflict in Ukraine. There has been much western crowing in recent weeks that the combination of collapsing oil prices with US and EU sanctions has plunged Russia into recession, while knocking chunks out of the economies of other independent oil states such as Iran and Venezuela into the bargain. It seems clear enough that the Saudi regime’s decision to boost oil output when prices were already falling was designed not only to protect market share and undercut fracking, but to punish Iran and Russia for their role in the Middle East and Europe to the benefit of Riyadh’s US sponsor.
It is a form of economic warfare – hailed by President Obama this week as the fruit of “strategic patience” – the consequences of which will be felt across the world in the months to come. But along with the global power and economic shocks of the past decade, two other crucial shifts have defined the early 21st century: the economic rise of China, in defiance of market orthodoxy, and the tide of progressive change that has swept Latin America, opening up alternatives to neoliberal capitalism.
Both have continued despite the backwash from the crash, which has taken its toll on the “Brics” countries and the wider global south. Progressive governments have carried on being elected from Bolivia to Brazil, while China’s slowing growth rate is still almost double that delivered by the US recovery. Political and financial pressure on Venezuela, which has been crucial to Latin America’s transformation and already faces serious economic problems, however, looks set to increase in the coming year. The key to riding the storm, as elsewhere, will be who is made to shoulder the burden of falling income and reform.
What seems certain though is that, however much the west tries to recapture lost ground, the global order will not revert to the status quo ante. There may be growing conflict, but there will be no return to unchallenged US diktat or uncontested economic catechisms. Alternative centres of power are forming. Both internationally and domestically, the old order is coming apart. The question will be what replaces it.
For Putin Crimea shows its love for the fatherland
"In their decision to rejoin their homeland the citizens of Crimea have shown their love for the fatherland," Mr Putin said.
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