Monday, April 28, 2014

Breda O'Brien and the 'core mission of the church'

In Saturday's Irish Times Breda O'Brien in her piece 'Predictable media narratives at odds with popes' lives', writes: "One of the most influential narratives was the idea of progressives versus conservatives, and it persists although, as a political metaphor, it completley ignores the core mission of the church."

Earlier in her piece, she says about John XXlll: "... he favoured opening up the Catholic Church to the modern world."

Has it not been intended since its foundation that the church is the people of God?

Is it not a 'core mission' of the church that that we are all made in the image and likeness of God?

The church of its nature must always be 'open to the world'. It has been the hierarchies who have made themselves 'elites'. And then basking in an aberration.

Talking about a 'predictable media' misses the point.


Anonymous said...

your reaction to Breda O Brien has also become predictable and in this case your prejudice makes you incoherent

Michael Commane said...

Thank you for your comment.

Francis Hunt said...

Actually, Breda O'Brien is the completely predictable one. The mantra of the liberal media, which has no greater goal than to attack her version of what the Catholic Church should be, conveniently ignores the fact that it is the Irish Times, one of the chief representatives of that evil liberal media which offers her a weeekly platform to air her (and, by proxy, the Iona Institute's) views. As it also did, up to recently, for John Waters too. Methinks the lady doth [frequently] protest too much.

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