Saturday, March 1, 2014

What this blog said about Ukraine on January 31

Russian talk shows suggest their troops go to Ukraine

More and more Russian talk shows are advocating Russian troops should go to Ukraine to calm the situation.

What an irony it would be if it happened in these days.

RT Russian Television said today, March 1, that Viktor Yanulovich was elected President of Ukraine and that the elections, overseen by international observers, were deemed to be fair and valid.

Is it not remarkable that on March 1, 1942 the Red Army began an offensive in Crimea. Seventy two years ago today.

Today in Sevastopol and Simferopol people were shouting on the streets insults at the EU. They were also telling 'Nazis go home'.

RT reports this evening that far right 'terrorists' in Ukraine have asked 'militants' in Chechnya to support them.

Russian Television is calling the new government in Kiev a Putsch Regime. One commentator says that Obama has once again been out manoeuvred.

The station is also pointing out that Ukrainian politicians are now making veiled nuclear threats. It is also reported that in the last two weeks 150,000 Ukrainians have applied for Russian citizenship.

"The Duma backs Russian military stabilising force for Ukraine."

So said RT this afternoon.

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