Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Time for priests to stop talking about women

The paragraph below appears on the website of the Dominican Order's Santa Sabina community - HQ of the Order. Indeed, it's the opening paragraph. Maybe it's time priests stopped talking about woman.

"The primary task of a mother is the care of its offspring. As the true Mother House of the Order, the Convent of Santa Sabina prays daily for all the entities of the Order and the entire Dominican Family."

It's a nonsensical sentence in every respect.

With the passing of every day, publications from Dominican sources are becoming more and more bizarre.

If it's not pious cliches, it's anti-European diatribes. And then there are all the publications that seem to give the picture that all is healthy and well in the Order.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Order uses the word 'Veritas' as its motto.

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