Sunday, December 8, 2013

That name 'Ogle'

There is a strap line over the heading of the lead story on the front page of today's Sunday Independent. It reads: "The good, the bad and the Ogle".

Brendan Ogle is the secretary of the ESB group of unions. In another life, as a locomotive driver with Irish Rail, he closed down the railway.

The main headline runs: " Economic chaos and misery if ESB strikes".

It's clever but will it help in calming the atmosphere in the run-up to the planned strike due to begin on December 16?

But it's not the job of newspapers to 'calm things'. Surely the newspaper tells the story, passes on the message.

Of course the play on 'Ogle' is clever. Do newspapers have 'agendas'? What's the overriding purpose of a newspaper, to tell the story, make a profit for its shareholders? To sell papers?

1 comment:

Michael said...

The lack of balance in the media xoverage of the ESB issue is appalling. At nomstage was the company called to account for its accounting practices with Ogle being the villain of the piece. Thank god for the unions.

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