Monday, June 17, 2013

Sylvia Gordon seems not to hear Obama

Whatever one's views on the politics of the US, one has to admit that the Obamas, Michelle and Barack double act is quite spectacular.

He told young people in Belfast's Waterfront that they were inheritors of a just and hard earned peace.

He quoted Seamus Heaney but he did get the pronounciation of the name wrong.

Clenched fists giving way to outstretched hands.

When peace was achieved here it gave hope to the whole world.

You helped us transcend our differences.

But there is much work to do. People who have not reaped the rewards of peace. Still wounds not healed. Walls that still stand. Still many miles to go.
"Peace comes dropping slow" WBY.

This pease is good not only for you, this island, the UK, Ireland, the world. You set an example for those who seek peace.

You are the proof of what is possible.

I admire the NI Executive and all they have done for building a united community.

When I was a boy several cities had separate eating places. In certain US states the marriage of my parents would have been illegal.

Young people help to push and protest.

Each successive generation creates a new space fo peace and fairness.

It's up to you if you are a good neighbour to someone of past battles.

The fate of peace is up to each of us. This peace has been tested and will be tested again.

Whenever your peace is attacked you will have to choose whether to keep going forwards of backwards.

We will keep workng closley with leaders in Belfast, Dublin and London. Jobs are essential to peace so we will continue to work closely in areas of economics.

In his speech he referred to Sylvia Gordon, thinking she was in the audience but it seems she was not there.

He quoted Colm McCann: "Peace is harder than war."

You young people must remind us again and again of hope and peace despite hardship and tragedy.

I have confidence you will choose that path. I promise you we will support you every step of the way, a wind at your back.
This little island has the best days ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She was there but not in his line of sight.

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