Thursday, March 21, 2013

Separating the men from the women

There is a number of givens that divide women and men. Women remember dates of birthdays, anniversaries.

It seems women too can match socks.

I can never fathom how I end up with so many odd socks. I have just spent the last 30 minutes kneeling down trying to match socks. I can't believe how many pairs I managed to create but I still end up with 12 odd socks.

It has to be one of the great unresolved mysteries.

It sounds wise to buy all black socks until you discover there is a myriad shade of black.

Are there as many shades of white?

It's impossible.

1 comment:

Francis Hunt said...

L am convinced that a one-legged ghost lives in my washing maschine. When I get a new washing maschine he moves ...

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