Saturday, March 23, 2013

Michael Harding makes great television

Michael Harding was most impressive on the Brendan O'Connor Show this evening.

Or maybe it is simply that this blogger is greatly impressed with the man and his writing.

His fun, his sense of the world about him, his lack of any self importance. And then the throw-away comment about what life might be about.

His remark about the theological facism of Pope John Paul ll and how the world of liberal theology changed with his papacy was more than interesting.

His realness was so clear. Compare that to all the pious 'stuff' we hear from the 'holy ones' .

Interesting. Surely in a healthy and a church that is alive and real there would be a place for the likes of former priest, Michael Harding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree, best TV I've seen for ages. Love him!

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