Sunday, November 18, 2012

Never a bell on Sunday Radio

Why is the Angelus bell never rung on RTE Radio 1 on Sunday?


Francis Hunt said...

Why is the Angelus bell rung on Irish radio (and TV) at all?

Michael Commane said...

Well, when I was a child I recall praying the Angelus with workmen when out in the fields of my grand-uncle's farm.

I don't recall a regular praying of the `angelus in Dublin.

I suppose the national radio station took over a custom that was widespread throughout the land.

Might that be the reason? Is there anything wrong with that?

Is there anything 'wrong' with Aer Lingus calling their aircraft after the names of Irish saints?

Michael Commane said...

But I'm still wondering why it is not rung on Sunday.

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