Friday, November 23, 2012

English grammar according to RTE

RTE Radio One news programme at 16.30. First item introduced today with the followig words.
''... how the meeting had went".

If their news is as inaccurate as their grammar, then things are bad.


Anonymous said...

People in glass houses should not throw stones! What about the accuracy of "Onenews" as a word in your own blog entry?

Póló said...


I notice you are equating a typo (which has been corrected) with bad grammar which is presumably repeated as nauseam.

Had you been more constructive, you could have mounted a defence of the ubiquitous use of the past tense for the past participle as part of Dublin, and possibly other, patois. Or simply pointed out the typo without the snide inference.

Having said that, I'm sure Michael does not need me to shout for him, nor would he agree with the proposed defence, I fear.

Michael Commane said...

Polo, Thank you for your comment and it is much appreciated.

As a journalist I have learned never to presume - it's a dangerous practice. But I am so weary of the snide anonymity. Does it flourish more in the Catholic Church than in other organisations? I don't know. But sometimes I think it is custom and practice in the church.

On a personal note, it is difficult not to feel great sadness and despair too with what is happening in the Irish Catholic Church.

Again, thank you.

Anonymous said...

What's the connection between RTE's bad grammar and the Irish Catholic Church? You are either stuck in a rut or have only one tune to play.

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