Sunday, June 3, 2012

Making another Lidice impossible

On May 27, 1942 Reinhard Heyrich was killed by Czech freedom fighters.

Heydrich, the hangman from Halle, was one of Hiter's top murderers.

In revenge for the death of Hydrich the Germans committed unspeakable crimes

After the war the Czech authorities sentenced his wife in absentia to life in prison.

She lived out her life in Germany receiving a German war pension.

On Saturday there was a neo-Nazi demonstration in Hamburg. Television coverage of the event showed worrying pictures of neo-Nazis on the march.

It was one of the biggest police operations in Germany in recent years.

In these days, 70 years ago the Germans obliterated the Czech village of Lidice in revenge for Hydrich's death.
The few surviving children were given to German families so that they could be 'Germanised'.

The founding of the European Union was to make sure there could never be another Lidice.

1 comment:

Póló said...

Unfortunately the Community Method within the EU has been progressively abandoned to the detriment of the smaller states and ultimately to the long-term stability of the Union itself.

Add to this an ill conceived currency area, jumped into prematurely for political reasons and against economic logic, and now falling apart, and you have a recipe for chaos, disaster and, ultimately, the rise of extremist factions on both left and right.

Hold on to your hat. There's a hurricane on the way.


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