Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something dysfunctional in Irish church

Where does truth and reality reside? How does one discern - that horrible word - what is true and real?

Reading the Irish newspapers in recent days on the long sad story of clerical child sex abuse, the cover ups, the slowness in paying money, the whole story, is a nightmare.

And then to log on to webpages of some religious orders/congregations and note the tomfoolery that appears, it is simply mind boggling.

It seems there is something glaringly dysfunctional inside the Irish institutional church right now. And one gets the impression nobody is noticing or caring. There are also great gulfs of division happening.

How does one listen and speak with honesty in search of the real?

And then last evening on TV a former priest from the Elphin diocese was on a show with his partner. It was car crash television.

What vetting system, what bishop ordained this man a priest?

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