Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Relativism helped expose nasty secrets

The latest chapter of the Murphy report paints a far more positive picture of Cardinal Desmond Connell than was said of him in the media in the past.

Cardinal Connell has always come across as an honest and good person, who suffered greatly.

By trade he was a philosopher and teacher. A man who was obviously liked by his students.

It is reported today that the pope is again linking the paedophilia issue with relativism. That is a most worrying and contentious issue. Paedophilia has been an issue in the clerical church long before the 1960s.

What the 1960s brought about was a greater openness, an openness, which in turn began to throw light on some of the dark secrets within the clerical church.

In chapter 19 of the Murphy report. Msgr Gerard Sheehy is reported to have written concerning a meeting where they were discussing Tony Walsh: "Bishop Walsh made the outrageous suggestion that the archbishop should inform the civil authorities about Fr Jovito's (Tony Walsh) homosexual orientation".

It is extremely doubtful that the late Gerard Sheehy was influenced by relativism.

It is also worrying to see how Gerard Sheehy is so ill-informed re paedophilia.

It is not in conformity with reality or the truth to link relativism with criminality.

It is also worrying to read reports that there are priests in senior positions who were first made aware of the crime through the media.

There are aspects of priesthood and sexuality that are constantly swept under the proverbial carpet.

The clerical church is still refusing to discuss in any sort of meaningful way. It still is a matter of 'hush', 'say nothing'.

Is it possible that the Irish 'cute hoor' syndrome has its origins in clericalism?


Anonymous said...

i wanted to say something about the 'floozie' post that you put on the blog yesterday , but i see that you have taken it down. why?

i like the new design - it's nice.

Michael Commane said...

A good friend suggested I take it down and on his advice I removed it.

Wise words from a friend are always appreciated.

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