Monday, August 18, 2008

Provincial chapter

Starting on September 1 the province of the Irish Dominicans will hold their chapter - something that happens every four years. One of the first events to take place at the chapter is the election of a provincial.

The chapter will begin with a Mass of the Holy Spirit.

In Saturday's Irish Times ex IT journalist Mark Brennock writes about the different attitudes people have towards politicians and he concludes by pointing out that politicians can make a difference.

It's easy to complain and be cynical. But as Brennock points out people are always looking for enthusiasm and new ways in the political forum. He cites Barack Obama and explains why he is such a phenomenon.

What's the chance of the Irish Dominicans at their upcoming chapter breaking the mould and making exciting and real decisions that will inspire its members and indeed, the people with whom it ministers? So far the signs are not looking too good.

The provincial has written his report. Along with that but nothing to do with the chapter, the Master of the Order has written a letter pertaining to sexual matters. Hopefully both of these documents will be properly discussed, even torn apart, honestly debated and analysed.

Reading the provincial's report one could believe all is well in the Irish province of the Dominican Order but the reality tells a different story. And if there is not a full discussion on the master's letter, the province will be party to another fudge.

The institutional church seems to have a never ending ability of 'going on' when things all about are in turmoil. That may well have quality status but it also can have a deadening result.

Of course there is always need for confidentiality and secrecy, but far too often these are tools used by people in authority to patronise and 'keep secret' issues that should be in the public forum.

Twenty years ago I called for a debate on issues pertaining to sexuality. My request was refused. Much has happened in the interim. Again, I call for an open and honest debate on sexuality in the context of religious life. Of course it must be conducted in charity and justice. But I keep thinking the fudge continues. Why is that so?

Good wishes to those who will be attending the chapter and may the Holy Spirit be in your midst.

Publish Post


Anonymous said...


Hi! Where can the letter written by the Master general be found? Thanks for your continued efforts with the blog.

Michael Commane said...

The letter written by the Master of the Dominican Order was sent to the provincials of the provinces of the order. The provincials then distributed the letter to the members of their provinces.

If you wish to have it I can email it to you. I do not have an electronic copy but I imagine I can get one and send it on to you.

Do we know one another?

Michael Commane said...

Sean? The man in Canada? Dunne?
Will be in touch and thank you. All comments onblog most welcome.

Anonymous said...


Definitely not Sean 'The Man in Canada'. I always identify myself. Please keep me out of this. I have a tremendous respect and a great regard for Gerard Dunne and all the brothers (past and present) of the Irish province.

Trusting this too is a most welcome comment.

Southwestern Ontario, Canada

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